
Make a Ribbon Ceiling Medallion for Your Chandelier

I Love Ribbons!  I have tiny scraps and large stashes and I love them all.  My sister, my favorite crafting partner, and I were looking through my ribbons to embellish her sweater.  That’s when inspiration struck. 

Using a few yards of ribbon, a paper plate and a stapler you can make the cover plate of your chandelier a focal point.

We had just picked up a lovely pewter chandelier at the thrift store.  It is in great condition and has lovely lines but it needed a little embellishment. Ribbons to the rescue!  Inspired by the Ragamuffin Garland from The Nester, I decided to tie lots of ribbons on to the arms of the chandelier.  What fun!  The more ribbon I tied, the cuter it became.

Well, we couldn’t stop there.  Next we set out to fashion a matching ceiling medallion using the same ribbon. 

Here’s how:
1.  Pleat or gather the ribbon and stitch down.  You can do this with the machine or by hand.  Be sure you have enough to make three concentric circles around a paper plate.

2. Slit the paper plate along the radius and cut out a ‘doughnut hole’.  This will curl around the opening for the wiring.

3.  Beginning at the slit on the outermost edge of the plate, begin stapling the pleated ribbon.  Work inward, making three circles.  Take care to overlap so the stitched edge is hidden. 

4.  Tuck the raw edges around the slit edge to the back side and staple or glue securely. 

To install:
If you are hanging your chandelier, tuck the edge of the plate just under the rim of the cover plate.  This will hold it in place and cover the raw edges.  Take care to trim away any excess plate and be sure it doesn’t interfere with the wiring.  We certainly don’t want to create any fire hazard!

If your chandelier is already in place, you can install your ribbon ceiling medallion a couple of ways.  You can loosen the cover plate and tuck the ceiling medallion underneath, then tighten the cover plate.  Or, carefully measure the cover plate, trim your paper plate to the precise size, finish off the innermost edge with a binding or other decorative feature.  Butt the edge of the binding up against the cover place and then just tack the ceiling medallion up using thumbtacks, glue or any other suitable method.

Enjoy your new look!  What fun…